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Unsure about something?

We've answered some frequently asked questions below to help clear things up.


How do I get to the Rossmoyne Senior High School gym?

To get to the RSHS gym, look for the first carpark on the left of Keith Road. Park here and follow the entry road down and around to the back of the school, past a gate and straight ahead.

I'm an adult looking to play volleyball, how do I play at your club?

Since you're an adult, you'd be looking to play WAVL. This is WA's premier volleyball league. Teams train at least once a week, and games are typically held on Sunday. 


To play WAVL for us, you just need to attend our WAVL trials at the start of the year. These are usually held in late Feb and early March.


Following the WAVL trials, we'll place you into a team and let you know when your trainings and games are.


Make sure to follow us on Facebook so you stay up to date with announcements like when our WAVL trials will be held.

How do I get to the John Wollaston Anglican Community School gym?

To get to the JWACS gym, make your way to Centre Road, Camillo. The gym is the big building on its own about halfway along Centre Road. 

Why are registrations for Kids Volley/Junior Skills always full?

Our Kids Volley and Junior Skills programs are incredibly popular.


We wish we could offer spots to everyone who's interested, but we're limited by two things: courts and coaches. 


We're constantly looking for new venues where we can run more programs, but most of these venues are already booked for basketball. 


We're also constantly looking for more coaches to help deliver our programs. If you've got ANY volleyball experience and want to make some extra money, you can sign up to be a coach here.

What program should I sign my child up for?

We recommend waiting till children are at least 8 years old before they start playing volleyball.


If your child is in primary school and aged 8 to 12, sign them up for any of our Kids Volley programs.


If your child is in high school or aged 13 to 16, sign them up for any of our Junior programs. Depending on their skill level, you may also consider signing them up for WAVL. 


If your child is aged 16+, we recommend signing them up for WAVL.

Do you offer any social indoor volleyball?

Currently we don't have the court space available to offer any social indoor volleyball programs.


If you've after social indoor volleyball, check out our friends over at Murdoch Volleyball Club.

When do Kids Volley/Junior Skills registrations open?

Registrations for our term based programs (Kids Volley and Junior Skills) typically open a couple of weeks before the relevant school term starts. 


If registrations are open, you'll be able to see them on our Registrations page.


If registrations aren't open yet, or if they're full, you can register your interest through our waitlist. This lets us know to contact you when registrations open, or when a spot becomes available. 

Do you offer any beach volleyball programs?

Not currently, but this is something we hope to do in future. 


You can register your interest for beach volleyball programs through our waitlist. This lets us know people are keen for it and prompts us to look into making it happen.

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Photos used on this site were captured and provided by Joel 20-10 Photography and Jeffrey Chan.

Rossmoyne Volleyball Club recognises the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation as the Traditional Owners of the land we play on.

©2023 by Rossmoyne Volleyball Club

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